CAN Journal Review by Liz Maugans: The Wall

“Caspio’s immersive work interweaves sensory and mental information to open new avenues of thought. Ray’s work is intimate–deeply, unapologetically intimate–but it is communal too, with microscopically-focused, ironic details and an expansive sense of cosmic unity.”

”Fear is real for our LGBTQ+ community, but the body politic of queer love, eroticism, and intimacy is celebrated here. He offers a respite in a safe space and wants everyone to leave their mark.”

”The beauty is the way [Ray’s] work makes everyone feel recognized, an idea that we are all in this together, even if it is fleeting and momentary.”

”Translating the male gaze and celebrating queer culture, particularly in this political firestorm is bold, and fearless and is evidenced by his perspective and experience.”

”For young queer artists, this show is a must-see!”