katie's corner starring alexandra billings

The internet can be a great place.

I've been lucky enough to "meet" the supernaturally talented stage and television star Alexandra Billings, and get to know her a bit through LiveJournal and Facebook.  It was our mutual love for Liza Minnelli that initially caused us to cross paths in the online world.  Alex's LiveJournal posts are always fascinating.  She's a true teacher, a survivor, and an inspiration, and has expanded my world in so many ways.  She's also given me tons of laughs!  I hope to one day be able to take her Viewpoints class.  In the meantime, I'll absorb, like a sponge, the knowledge she shares through LiveJournal and Facebook.

Check out Alex's fantastic YouTube channel.  On it, you'll find HILARIOUS Katie's Corner segments (I won't explain them – just watch), which brings us to the illustration I got the urge to start yesterday (Kevenn and I collaborated on the shadows and highlights)!

Thank you, Alex, for being a part of my life, even if it is only through the internet for now.
